Yesterday, I woke up early to send a gretting to Lu. It was her birthday so I typed in the birthday song in my cellphone and emailed her first thing that morning. I felt great after a shower and had plenty of time so I did my hair. It was the first time in many weeks that I let my hair down. The air has become quite hot because of summer so I mostly tie it up.
When I came to the office, Lu's ex-PL was the speech leader that day. As usual, I had no idea what he was saying the entire time. That afternoon during break I got into the elevator together with Mr. Genius, Mr. Immature and Mr. Cool. Mr. Cool was busy with his cellphone, perhaps sending an email to his girlfriend(hehehehe, don't be jealous Lu).When we got to the 1st floor I got out first since I was in a hurry. I had many errands to run. I planned to buy some stuff for Lu on her birthday. I decided on flowers and socks. I wanted to pick light green roses but the flower shop didn't have any so I had to settle for a more common variety. I had originally planned on buying a flower plant but when I checked it out, I was dumbfounded by how much it costs so I opted for flowers instead. Anyway it's not the cost that counts in a gift right, it's in the thought.
Late afternoon around 5:55, people started disappearing from the office so I took the opportunity to go out as early and as fast as I can to get to Umeda earlier. I wanted to get a new phone that night at Yodobashi Camera but I couldn't because they ask me for my passport and I didn't bring it with me. When my girlfriends(Lu, Jet, Sheira) arrived , we headed out to Hep Five's Top floor to eat "tabehodai".
It was nourishing but not all the dishes were tasty. But it was still worthwhile, more so because I didn't have to pay a single cent for it! (Thanks Lu, belated Happy Birthday!)
I was so full when we finished that I found it hard to breathe and walk.