Saturday, November 15, 2008

Moving Out

I had been slowly preparing to move out of the mansion and on the night of November 14, I finally did. On the same night we had a dinner meeting with our manager. I was relieved that he didn't refuse my request. The dinner and the after dinner drinking took a little while. It was already late when we got to my mansion to get my things. It's a good thing that my new place is only a few minutes away by bicycle. My friends came to help me out. Some who didn't make it sent messages for moral support. It should have been somewhat awkward but somehow I didn't feel as bad as I had expected. I feel blessed to have so many great friends. Kay, my new housemate, welcomed me with open arms! The next day Mars came to help me organize and unpack too. Even though I have nothing to give back to these people, they still lend a helping hand. I am truly blessed. My family and my friends are my real treasures in life. My room is more or less organized now. I owe it all to everyone. Thank you!