Sunday, March 15, 2009

White Day

March 14, 2009 is one of the happiest day of my life! This is the day when the guys give back to the girls for the chocolates they gave during Valentines day. I baked Kiyo a chocolate cake during Valentines Day with the help of my professional baker housemate Kay. Kiyo had a part time job that day and he wasn't able to finish early so he apologized for the food was not ready yet when I arrived at his house. He was still cooking then and the air smelled great! He cooked steak and prepared a delightful looking salad. He prepared a something cheesy and creamy for dessert(I asked him for the name but he said he doesn't know what it's called). One thing that amazed me the most was that, he bought new set of plates and bowls just for the occasion. The presentation was spectacular! But I was more touched when I tasted the food and it tasted heavenly! I thought if I had died in that instant, I would have died happy! Definitely!Thank you Kiyo!


shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

oooiiii... sweet. :D

cuteblush said...

waaaaaaahh.. makasuya.. ulmigasan baya mo.. =D